#Tokyo Olympics #Professional Baseball #CLAY[Read before commenting]* Slandering to players and teams, and comments that make others uncomfortable are subject to deletion. If it is repeated, it will be block compatible. * If the archive is highly rated, you can see it from the highly rated video list. * Thumbnails are made by the viewer (Twitter: # CLAY fucking Photoshop) New channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdtOzJQ5wPFd6jun__M769w Goods You can purchase (Parker, etc.) from here: https://muuu.com/videos/fa75c29686a7a1e8 —–[Community opened! ]The official community was opened on Discord from April 29, 2020. Please register as a user and participate! (Free) Participation method / community: https://youtu.be/_EBvlz4-2_E Server URL: https://discord.gg/clay[Twitter]CLAY @CLAY_GAME_CH https://twitter.com/CLAY_GAMES_CH Airon @airon_youtube https://twitter.com/airon_youtube[Instagram]CLAY @clay_x_bay https://www.instagram.com/clay_x_bay/ Airon @airon_midnight https://www.instagram.com/airon_midnight/ Also follow us I look forward to working with you.[Recruiting channel memberships (sponsors) ↓]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjmrGPZmMDbyBZLllXsUTsA/join Member benefits ↓ ① Comments ・ For comments on live chat special badge videos and live chat Comes with a special badge. It will be easier to pick up comments on live broadcasts. (The color of the badge will change depending on the member period!) ② Twitter follow-back (during the member period) During the member period, we will follow back on Twitter (or Instagram). (Please send a screenshot of the screen that can be certified as a member by reply or DM.) ③ Uploading a bot video (?) In a sense, we may upload a rare video that will not be released to the public (laugh) ④ Member-only distribution ( (Tentative) ⑤Member-only community post distribution schedule, etc. We are also considering releasing it to members in the future.[Goods are on sale! ]Goods are on sale from October 2018! Click here for purchase and details ↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4EZma9wXRM&t=3s BGM used is from this site Noiseless world: http://noiselessworld.net NCS: https: / /www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aEa8K-EOJ3D6gOs7HcyNg * We are collaborating with “Prospi A Strategy Summary Bulletin” on the Prospi A Strategy Summary site. Please check it out. ↓ http://prospia.xyz/[Regarding the comment section]We will immediately delete any comments that we judge to be slanderous or other comments that may be damaged. Please refrain from giving the names of other distributors as it may cause inconvenience to the distributors and related parties. Keep your morals and make it a fun comment section. ..

JP2021.COM - Tokyo Olympics 2020.