On the 13th (14th Japan time), pitcher Shohei Otani (28) of the Angels celebrated the meeting day of the WBC group and appealed for perfection with two-sword adjustment. The best part was the outdoor free shot in the afternoon. Over the fence counted 12 masterpieces in 26 swings. It also fired an extra-large bullet with an estimated flight distance of 130 meters that crosses the road behind the left middle fence. Otani will not participate in the Miyazaki training camp, and after the battery group camp in on the 15th (16th), he will participate in the open game and prepare for the WBC production. Deliver the latest news Sponichianex https://www.sponichi.co.jp/ Sponichi’s Twitter https://twitter.com/sponichiannex # Shohei Otani # Two-sword style # WBC

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