The problem that the former director of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games received about 45 million yen from the sponsor of the Games. On the 26th, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor’s Office launched a compulsory investigation into the former director’s affiliates and the major advertising company “Dentsu Headquarters”. What is the outlook for the investigation? ■ Former director of suspicion “I have never even put out the letter” A “of AOKI.” As a director of the Organizing Committee, I have never put out the letter “A” of AOKI and have not taken any action. ” I entered the search. Regarding this suspicion, a consulting company represented by Mr. Takahashi signed a consulting contract in 2017 with AOKI, a major men’s clothing company that sponsors the tournament. Since then, he has received 1 million yen a month, for a total of about 45 million yen. The suspicion of the search is “consignment bribery,” and the director of the Games Organizing Committee is a “deemed civil servant.” AOKI concludes a sponsorship contract with the Games Organizing Committee and sells licensed products. It sold about 30,000 suits with the Olympic emblem. ■ “Many Dentsu executives were taken care of by Mr. Takahashi.” Many employees were seconded from Dentsu to the Marketing Bureau of the Games Organizing Committee, which is in charge of the sponsor company. The director was also from Dentsu. And Takahashi was also a former managing director of Dentsu. Tournament officials “Mr. Takahashi is a leading figure in the Japanese sports business and can talk with IOC Chairman Bach. Many Dentsu executives must have been taken care of by Mr. Takahashi.” Former Chairman Hironori Aoki, the founder of AOKI Holdings, said in a voluntary interview with the Special Investigation Department: “I expected Mr. Takahashi’s strength as a person.” On the other hand, Mr. Takahashi said that he had never provided AOKI with any special convenience for the interview. ■ There is a possibility that it is not limited to AOKI The suspicion of money over the Olympics may spread to other sponsors, Mr. Wakasa, a former deputy director of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor’s Office, points out. Former Deputy General Manager of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor’s Office Masaru Wakasa “Mr. Takahashi had a lot of power in the organizing committee. And if there were many sponsors, not only AOKI but also other sponsors would provide some kind of convenience. It is quite possible that the Special Investigation Department is thinking that there is a possibility that it is trying to do this. ”▼ TBS NEWS DIG official website ▼ Please subscribe to the channel To do! ▼ Click here for information “TBS Insiders” ▼ Video provided Click here for “TBS Scoop Post”

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