The Paris 2024 international cooperation strategy was deployed thanks to innovative cooperation based on strategic partnerships, on five continents: Impact 2024 International represents 45 projects aimed at youth in 19 countries implemented since 2021 The incubator Impact 2024 made it possible to support 83 athletes engaged in social entrepreneurship The call for sports and decentralized cooperation projects engaged 30 French local authorities to support 64 foreign communities 75 Generation 2024 civic service volunteers were deployed in 32 countries 146 embassies have obtained the Terre de Jeux 2024 Label, mobilizing the entire French diplomatic network. Togo is a representative example of the materialization of all the programs supported by Paris 2024 and its partners. The people who bring the projects to life on a daily basis are those who talk about them best, six of them spoke about the impact of Paris 2024.

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