This is Jortre (Live) on Friday, July 23, 2021. It was late to see the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics. Today is a live concert with “Notice” from Radio Yaji. Radio Yaji’s main channel The market weather forecast is updated every day around noon. ◆ Radio Yaji’s investment site (R’s Investment School) Please remember to get information (info) at Investment (104) Juku (19). There is also an email posting form. Please use it. ◆ Click here to post by email ◆◆ R’s investment consultation (free) Please post from the following page. Consultation is free. We will not sell anything from here, so please feel free to post. ◆ R’s life consultation (answering senior concerns) Please post from the following page. ◆ Posting other emails We are looking for investment consultations, big profits, big losses, and episodes about investment. ◆ Investment Click here to apply for this gift Please apply from the investment school website. The application form is the following URL. ..

JP2021.COM - Tokyo Olympics 2020.