Ohtani showed a stable performance with 2 hits and 1 RBI in today’s game! Ohtani participated in the match against the Rockies at Coors Field today as the 2nd designated hitter. He had 2 hits and 1 RBI in 4 at bats. He showed us a big success with multiple hits. In yesterday’s game, the Angels’ batting lineup exploded, but Otani’s results weren’t good enough. Unfortunately, we lost 4-3 in today’s match, but Ohtani’s individual record was a great achievement as he took the top spot in RBI in the majors. Yesterday’s fierce attack of 25 goals, and it’s the day after that, so today’s loss is disappointing, but the same comment was seen from the viewers. “We hit so many yesterday…” “It hurts to lose against the Rockies.” 1 win, 2 losses, I want you to share yesterday’s score!” In order for the Angels to become truly strong, they want to be able to win these close games. I feel that if we can win a close match by throwing one out against a good pitcher with few chances, we will be able to advance to the playoffs and win the World Series. However, Ohtani’s batting continues to be strong, and his success is attracting attention in the United States. Aaron Judge, who was running the top of the home run rankings, was injured, and it is said that winning the triple crown is not a dream this year, so I am still looking forward to the All-Star break from here. So, in this video, while looking back on the highlights of today’s match, I would like to introduce the comments of the legends who are looking forward to Ohtani’s great breakthrough. Derek Jeter, who recently made his debut as a commentator, has made a comment about Otani, so be sure to watch until the end! If you like this video, please click the Good button and subscribe to the channel.

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