The club name is hidden, but if you combine the rumors with the CL and the four major leagues, it’s almost confirmed. I don’t know if it was a careless remark or what, but it’s confirmed. This is no longer an official announcement. WW ▶Distributes the latest information and topics about soccer. “Transfer Information”, “Transfer Rumors”, “Match Results”, “Personal Considerations”, “Moving Anecdotes”, “Laughter Episodes”, etc. * Basically, I only post content related to soccer. ▶ Channel registration If you like it even a little, please do so. I try to post at least one post a day. ▶ When posting, it is not intended to slander or infringe copyright. We have created it with the utmost care, but if you notice anything, we would appreciate it if you could contact us directly from the copyright holder. I will respond as soon as possible.

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