60 years ago weightlifters moved the barbell on a straight path, which is logical as we know that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But why then in modern technique the Bar Path is always curved?

Well, to shorten the distance of the lift and reduce the amount of work may be a good strategy for a powerlifter. That’s why they use long elastic barbels, flat shoes and sumo stance.

Olympic weightlifters must lift the barbell as fast as possible so that the barbell inertially flies up while we go under. And the shortest way is not always the fastest.

Look at these tracks: one is a straight line, so it’s shorter.
But when we launch the balls, the fastest track is a curve.

Old technique’s best snatch was 172 kilos. Today’s best is 227

Look, I tried to snatch both ways. With a straight bar path 80 kilos was my max. While with the curve those 80 kilos fly much higher!

Why do you think a curve is more effective?

JP2021.COM - Tokyo Olympics 2020.