It is important to be in the “zone” in order to perform at your best on a big stage like the Olympics. “Zone” refers to a state in which the mind and body are perfectly aligned and performance flows naturally. There are several techniques for achieving this state. Requires deep concentration. From a psychological point of view, this “deep concentration” is achieved by narrowing the focus of attention and eliminating irrelevant stimuli. This state is similar to the “flow experience” proposed by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Research suggests that ‘flow’ occurs when an individual is fully immersed in an activity, with a balance of challenge and skill. Relaxation and self-awareness are important. Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps calms his mind and body before his competitions by doing a meditation that focuses on his breathing. He also develops self-awareness and optimizes his performance by understanding how he feels and how he reacts. Goal setting is also important. Psychologically, setting clear and achievable goals increases motivation and improves performance. Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt has seen phenomenal results by setting clear goals for herself, both short and long term, and training towards them. Positive autosuggestion is also effective. Remembering or imagining successes in the past can help boost your self-confidence and help you perform at your best. Olympic gymnast Simone Biles maintains her self-confidence and high performance by envisioning herself succeeding. Deep focus, relaxation and self-awareness, clear goal-setting, and positive self-suggestion are the key ingredients to getting “in the zone” on the big stage. These factors have been shown to work in practice through the experience of experienced Olympians. These techniques are not learned in a day. In addition to daily training, it is required to face yourself and deepen your self-understanding. The ultimate goal is to understand what your “zone” is, and to be able to reproduce it. This process is by no means an easy one, but by believing in yourself and continuing to challenge yourself, along with a psychological approach, you can get closer to the “zone” for performing at your best on the big stage. Become.Akira Kasahara Official LINE Notice If you join the official LINE, you will receive a free online mental consultation and a free PDF file. ① How to control emotions 4 keywords ② How to control emotions Heart Preparation ③ How to control emotions Believing and goal setting #mental #mental coach #qualifications #olympic #zone #flow #sports psychology #psychology

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