#Morning Show #Sunday Morning #Olympic Games #Tokyo #TOKYO #Media[Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Member Shinichiro Kawamatsu Official LINE]has been opened. Please also register as a friend. https://lin.ee/fCUgZ2u ・ Opinions and impressions from viewers ・ I would like to ask Representative Kawamatsu ・ We are looking for telephone appearances for live distribution. Please apply from the submission form below. The staff will read all the submitted content, but due to time constraints, some may not be adopted for live streaming. Please note. ↓ It will be the URL of the posting form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZTL0UpgalmG9VxWYO-nxSQfhQwhursyDMrCJ3l3gf08705g/viewform .. I will listen to the opinions of the minority, but in politics, the number of people is also important. By all means, politicians who live stream on YouTube to friends and acquaintances will directly listen to your opinions and reflect them in your policies. The world of politics, which was far away until now, will be closer. Your opinion creates a society (Tokyo). Please let your friends and acquaintances know about the existence of this channel. Please send it on Twitter or Facebook.[Political activity position]◆ TOKYO LDP Youth Department Director ◆ LDP Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Corona Countermeasures Committee ◆ Acting Chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly LDP General Affairs Committee ◆ Metropolitan Assembly LDP Corona Countermeasures PT ◆ Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Public Enterprise Committee Member ◆ Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Olympic and Paralympic Promotion Measures Special Committee Member of the meeting ◆ Member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Council ◆ Member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Private School Grant Council[Rugby-related positions]◆ Secretary General of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Rugby World Cup 2019 Japan Tournament Successful Members Federation ◆ Advisor of the Sumida Ward Rugby Association ◆ Member of the Kanto Rugby Association ◆ Japan University Rugby Club Public Relations / Recruiting[Other Positions]◆ Sumo Critic ◆ Special Advisor to the Japan Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation ◆ Chairman of the Sumida Ward Badminton Federation ◆ Chairman of the Sumida Little Senior Baseball Association[Shinichiro Kawamatsu Official Website]https://kawamatsu2011. com /[Shinichiro Kawamatsu SNS]facebook https://www.facebook.com/shinichiro.kawamatsu Twitter https://twitter.com/kawamatsushin16 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kawamatsushin16 Blog https://kawamatsushin16. com / ..

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