#Animal Crossing: New Organizer #Announcer #Game commentary[Announcer YouTuber Taikichi]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5r2GmjgMvPTo38yC0u5ASw?app=desktop[Taikichi’s secret]https://www.youtube.com/channel / UCqmGQKNZuuuu3dcinRzZRWQ[Twitter]https://twitter.com/kaicho_beda[Instagram]https://www.instagram.com/kaicho_beda/[TikTok]https://www.tiktok.com/@kaicho_beda[Call for fan art]Please tweet with the image and “#Taikichi Art”. I will introduce it at the ending of the video.[How to send a replay from Nintendo Switch]① Save the video with the save replay button (You can save the last 30 seconds after pressing and holding) ② Post the saved replay to Twitter (link Nintendo Switch and Twitter) Please) ③ Share the tweet link on DM * If it is difficult, you can reply. Thankfully, we are currently receiving more messages than we can confirm. Please note that the provided replay may not be reflected in the video. Additional replays are welcome (because the message is easy to notice).

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