Click here to purchase Morita’s book “Technology called ‘Cunning’ Mentality lacking in Japanese people (Gentosha book)” 👉 Part 1 👉 /NWPRXzYu-3M If you would like to join the club “FCŠVABO”, which is directed by Leo the football and participates in the Tokyo league, we are accepting trial memberships here, so please apply from the link below 👇 https: // You can watch live streaming of stories that you cannot talk about on YouTube that is open to the public, and archives of all past classes (“Weekly Football Studies” and special classes inviting celebrities in the football world as lecturers). Click here for details and applications for the online salon “Leo the football school” 👇 For inquiries and applications by email, please contact 📧 Also FC If you are interested in sponsoring Schwabo, please visit this page 👇 It is now possible to donate from a small amount E3%83%B3%E3%82%B5%E3%83%BC%E5%8B%9F%E9%9B%86 We are a team created to evolve Japanese soccer with passion and rationality, so please lend us your strength. We would appreciate it if you could 🙇 ♂️ For inquiries and applications by email, please contact 📧[List of FC ŠVABO sponsors]English Online English conversation school Schools are categorized into various types so that people who are looking for a school can quickly find the school that suits their purpose.We are the uniform sponsor of FC ŠVABO.G&G Medical Group https://koiwanagu Runs Shinozaki Osteopathic Clinic, Edogawa Nagura Osteopathic Clinic, and Koiwa Nagura Sobu Osteopathic Clinic in Edogawa Ward, and supports FC ŠVABO as a medical trainer.Aruga (Electronic Sports Note) ) / Aruga is a tool that nurtures players’ ability to think for themselves and improves their performance. Coaches are freed from paper management and concentrate more on teaching. Players continue to set goals and look back, and grow on their own. Aruga is given free of charge to FC ŠVABO. ————————————————– ————————————————– ————————————————– Click here for job offers for Leo the football 💁‍♀️ The manager will seriously respond to both corporations and individuals twitter ➡️ @SoccerRapperLeo ( /SoccerRapperLeo) TikTok➡︎ It is used only in cases, and the publication source is Getty images/Wyscout)

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