This is a summary of all home runs in the 2020 regular season of Hiroshima Toyo Carp Seiya Suzuki. (Total of 25 shots) Hitting 30% + 25 homers for 5 consecutive years was the 4th achievement in history, after Sadaharu Oh, Hiromitsu Ochiai, and Michihiro Ogasawara! Hiroshima / Shota Dobayashi 2020 Home Run Collection[14 career highs] Hiroshima Draft 1st place Ryoji Kuribayashi (Toyota Motor) 91st Intercity Baseball Tournament All 13 strikeouts digest :// Hiroshima/Nagano Hisayoshi A total of 150 memorial arches! Hiroshima / Norihiko Tanaka Digest of all pitches for the first professional pitching in the 1st army[currently No. 1 in U. League saves] Hiroshima 2020 draft All nominated players Play collection Hiroshima / Kazuki Yabuta First victory in two years! Digest of all 8 strikeouts Hiroshima/Reira Fujii First professional pitching in the 1st army Digest of all pitches Hiroshima/Omoriho First professional home run in the 1st army Is the first feat in history for a player from training in a team! Hiroshima, Yuya Masaya The first professional hit in the 1st army is the first home run!

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