Takefusa Kubo was born in Kawasaki (Japan), on June 4, 2001. At just 10 years old, he joined the youth ranks of FC Barcelona. Bureaucratic problems forced his return to Japan in 2015 to play for FC Tokyo. He made his debut at just 15 years old in the Japanese first division. After a few months on loan at Yokohama Marinos and his return to his home club, Kubo signed for Real Madrid in the summer of 2019 and, in these years, he was loaned to RCD Mallorca, Villarreal, Getafe and again to Mallorca, the club in the one who played last season. He is a full international with the Japanese team, having already worn the shirt of his country on 18 occasions. With a lot of experience despite his 21 years, Kubo arrives at Real to bring his quality, self-confidence and dynamism to the txuri urdin offensive game. Ongi etori, Kubo. #AurreraReala 🔵⚪🔵 Takefusa Kubo Kawasakin (Japonia) jaio zen 2001eko ekainaren 4an. He 10 urte besterik ez zituela, he FC Barcelona soccer taldeko beheko mailetan sartu zen. Arazo burokratikoak zirela eta, 2015ean Japoniara itzuli zen, FC Tokyora hain zuzen. He 15 urterekin egin zuen debuts Japoniako lehen mailan. Hilabete batzuk Yokohama Marinos taldean utzita eta jatorrizko klubera itzuli ondoren, Kubok Real Madridekin sinatu zuen 2019ko udan, eta, urte hauetan, RCD Mallorca, Villarreal, Getafe eta berriro Mallorca taldeetan aritu da. He internazionala da Japoniako selekzioarekin eta 18 aldiz jantzi du bere herrialdeko elastikoa. 21 urte dituen arren, Kubo esperientzia handiko jokalaria da. Realera heldu da bere kalitatea, ausardia eta dynamismo emateko txuri-urdinen erasoko jokoari. Ongi etori, Kubo. -SUBSCRIBE to the official Real Sociedad channel ⬇ https://www.youtube.com/user/realsociedadtv DISCOVER more on our website 👇 https://www.realsociedad.eus/ FOLLOW the team’s official networks 📲 – FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/RealSociedadFutbol – TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RealSociedad – INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realsociedad – TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/ @realsociedad – WEIBO: https://www.weibo.com/realsociedad

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