Corruption at the Olympics turns into a big scandal… Dentsu, Hakuhodo, ADK, and other companies are forcibly investigated! Explain the structure of the tax pinhane. Who is the true villain? Former Hakuhodo writer Ryu Homma and the truth about Dentsu, infectious disease, and one week off in January! Click here for Honma Ryu Bank transfer Mitsubishi UFJ Bank Eifukucho Branch Ordinary Account 4569556 Shimizu Yuko Dentsu / Infectious disease / The truth about 1 week off! If you want 11,000 yen, transfer 11,000 yen to the above account, write your name, address, phone number, email address, and send to “Dentsu / Infectious disease / The truth about one week off! Honma Ryu” Please write in the title and send an e-mail. #I said, “I want you to subscribe to the YouTube channel of 10,000 books a month” for the small like movement that defeats the great evil, but how do you subscribe to the channel? What is channel registration? I made a page for those people. Click here for campaigns and donations by credit card Ryu Honma ryuhomma/ For bank transfer, click here Mitsubishi UFJ Bank Eifukucho Branch Ordinary account 4569556 If you want a new book by Yuko Shimizu Honma, please transfer 11,000 yen to the above account and write your address, name, phone number, and email address. Please email Video about campaigns and donations. purpose and thoughts. Author Ryu Homma and Aritaka Shimizu, who publishes 10,000 books a month. Ryu Honma Twitter Facebook Email address for providing information If you want Ryu Homma’s[Constitutional revision referendum issue ruled by Dentsu]and special video (about 6 hours), please transfer 33,000 yen (tax included) to the following account and send your name, address, and phone number. Please send it to (an address that Shimizu also reads) by email or Facebook messenger. Please send donations here as well. If you need a receipt, we will issue it. It’s selling right away! Thank you. Mitsubishi UFJ Bank Eifukucho Branch Ordinary Account 4569556 Please refer to the following for information on Shimizu Yuko Corona Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare About the new coronavirus infection New Corona Please practice cough etiquette and wash your hands to prevent virus infection From the Cabinet Secretariat New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Office Information dissemination WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic English coronavirus-2019 About the author Ryu Honma: Born in 1962. Writer. In 1989, he joined Hakuhodo. He was in charge of sales until he left in 2006. Based on his experience, he investigates the influence of his advertisements on politics and society, and the collusion with the media. In a series of books, he revealed how the nuclear safety myth came about. He has recently researched and published on the impact of advertising on the constitutional amendment referendum law. His publications include “Nuclear Power Advertisement”, “Nuclear Power Advertisement and Local News” (both published by Aki Shobo), “Nuclear Power Propaganda” (Iwanami Shinsho), “Constitutional Reform Referendum Manipulated by the Media” (Iwanami Booklet), “Advertisements Kill the Constitution”. Day” (Shueisha Shinsho, co-authored) and others. Asahi Shimbun Ronza Ryu Homma “99% impossible for the Tokyo Olympics to be held. Make a decision to cancel as soon as possible.” Many people think so in their hearts. It’s been half a year since the decision to postpone the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. The Olympics are disappearing from people’s conversations. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to undermine the economy and people’s lives, doubts about the legitimacy of spending hundreds of billions of yen to hold the Olympics continue to grow. Even so, the national government, the Tokyo metropolitan government, and the organizing committee of the Games are determined to use the Olympics as a measure to boost the economy, and are pushing ahead with holding the games next summer. No, pushing forward might be an inaccurate expression. Even in the field of the organizing committee, there is a feeling of fatigue, and the morale of the staff seems to be supported by inertia and a short-sighted Japanese sense of responsibility rather than enthusiasm. Writer Ryu Homma, who has been opposed to the Tokyo Olympics since Japan was still full of “expectations” for the Olympics, is now appealing once again, “We should make a decision to cancel as soon as possible.” From early on, I have pointed out the problems of excessive commercialism, the uncertain financial situation of the Organizing Committee, and the mobilization of more than 100,000 volunteers free of charge in the scorching heat. Criticism of the media that did not use the check function is sharp. “The reason why issues that deserve to be debated have been suppressed is that the Asahi Shimbun and other major newspapers have become sponsors of the Olympics and are included in the side of the targets that should be monitored. Newspapers repeat the same mistakes they made during the war. We asked Mr. Homma, who has never appeared in major media, to once again discuss the problems of the Tokyo Olympics. Honma-san, if you are a beginner, I recommend this! Nuclear power plant advertisement Kindle version Contents (From the “BOOK” database) 250 nuclear power plant advertisements, listed at once! How “safety illusion” was planted ?From the 1970s to just before March 11, “nuclear power advertisements” were created with huge advertising budgets. Now is the time to question the pros and cons of nuclear power plant advertisements, which can be said to be the most successful post-war propaganda. Black Volunteer The Tokyo Olympics, a sports industry estimated to have sponsorship income of 400 billion yen. The organizing committee is trying to cover the operation of this big event with 110,000 unpaid volunteers. There are various conditions for applying, such as those who can do it for 10 days or more, participation in preliminary training is mandatory, and expenses such as accommodation expenses are to be paid by yourself. Nuclear power plant propaganda that reveals the surprising structure hidden under the beautiful name, such as “once in a lifetime stage” Why are there 54 nuclear power plants in Japan, one of the world’s most earthquake-prone countries? Has it been constructed and many citizens have affirmed the promotion of nuclear power? There was an imprint of “safety myth” and “rich life” realized by making full use of Japan’s unique advertising agency system with huge money generated from electricity bills. Another piece of Japanese media history that follows the realities of national brainwashing over more than 40 years. Dentsu and the Nuclear Power Plant Report-Mechanism of Media Control by Huge Advertisers and Major Advertising Agencies This channel is made up of donations and book sales. If you would like a copy of Shimizu’s Affirmation Bible Old Testament, please transfer 33,000 yen (including tax) to the account below and send your name, address, and phone number to or via Facebook messenger. or send it on LINE. It’s selling right away! Thank you. Mitsubishi UFJ Bank Eifukucho Branch Ordinary Account 4569556 Yuko Shimizu January 10,000 books Yuko Shimizu Born in Shiga Prefecture. He was a former school truant and grew up in a single-mother household. He was very sad in 2018 and fell into depression. After fighting the disease for nearly two years, YouTube also tended to take a lot of time off during that period. He’s finally gotten a little better lately, and has resumed activities such as YouTube.

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