■ Summary of News ■ On January 21, 2022, it was found that Korean media introduced Kamira Wariewa (16) of the Russian women’s figure skating world and described it as “Russian Kim Yuna”. Wariewa makes full use of five types of quadruple jumps and triple axel (3.5 rev jumps), and shows a beautiful “Tano” posture with both hands raised in the sky in all jumps, showing high artistry and technical ability. It is a talented person who has both. Since he was a junior, he has been receiving a lot of attention, such as breaking records every time he participates, but even after turning to senior, he won the world championships one after another, and was free at the 2021 GPS (Grand Prix Final Series) Canada Tournament. With a high score of 180.89 and a total of 265.08, he is currently the world’s highest record holder. Naturally, it is expected to be the most promising candidate for the gold medal at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Wariewa has been praised by the world media as a “new record-making machine” and “a masterpiece produced by Russia”, and is known as “despair” in Russia. “Despair” literally comes from the fact that other players give up and despair, saying “I can never win.” On the other hand, Korean media JoongAng Ilbo describes Wariewa as “Russian Kim Yuna” and Seoul Shinmun describes it as “Russian Yona God”, which is controversial. Kim Yuna is famous for winning the gold medal at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, but he has never succeeded in triple axel, let alone quadruple jump. Of course, he is a completely different type of player from Wariewa. Quote / Reference: https://www.joongang.co.kr/article/25042484 https://www.regsvr.co.kr/news/newsView.php?id=20220118026007 https://www.kpop.co. kr / news / newsView.php? id = 20211226500023 https://post.tv-asahi.co.jp/post-170583/ https://post.tv-asahi.co.jp/post-168065/ ■ For news Reactions of Japan ■ When the Japanese version of these articles was published, the following opinions were received from Japanese online citizens. “How much Korean media are looking at Russia’s Kim Yuna from above?” “Warieva is a player who consistently jumps with unparalleled quality jumps in history. It has high flexibility and artistry. On the other hand, “Russian Kim Yuna” has no choice but to laugh at it. It would be quite embarrassing if Kim Yuna himself was compared … “” There is nothing in common between Wariewa and Kim Yuna. Korean media is Wariewa’s performance. “Have you never seen it?” “Warieva would be honored to be called Catalina Bit of Russia.” “I can’t even fly the triple accelerator, just a three-turn jump. Kim Yuna is the current scoring standard. Given that, the podium would be impossible. “” I definitely want you to stop blaming promising players from other countries. “” Kim Yuna’s performance can be seen in SNS videos, but I often got a gold medal for that performance. I’m stunned when it’s a thing. There’s no ambitious challenge. “” Kim Yuna is a player with only facial art. ” The current situation. The world has evolved significantly since then … “” Kim Yuna is always mentioned in Korea, but she is only famous in Korea. At that time, she was respected in Russia and the world. The player is Mao Asada, who was good at triple accelerator. “” Korean players have a good reputation for bad manners in every event. If you compare it to that, I feel sorry for Wariewa. ” Good. Do such a terrible thing, such as attacking and criticizing Russian Sotonikowa. “” The neighbor is a country that expresses Yuzuru Hanyu as a boy Kim Yuna … “” The metaphor is too aggressive, “Warota” “I’m going to say that Wariewa was born in Korea.” The theme this time was “Korean media, Russian Kim Yuna, world record in a row. The most promising candidate for the gold medal of the Beijing Winter Olympics!” By the way, it seems that there are pros and cons to the ability of Kim Yuna. Rather, worldwide, there were many criticisms such as body hardness and lack of rotation, and her performance judgment was unnaturally high, so suspicion was turned on. The Central Daily will introduce the new systems “Motion Sensor” and “Position Detection System” developed by the world-famous watch maker Omega at the Beijing Winter Olympics, which will start on the 4th of next month, in the fugue skating event. I reported. Six cameras installed around the link will track the player’s position in detail and provide viewers with information such as jump trajectory, height, distance, and flight time at any time. If you look at this, it will be easier to judge the lack of rotation of the jump and the long edge (edge ​​error). If it is actively used for scoring, it will be possible to make fairer judgments and reduce mysterious judgments. It may have been very fortunate for her that Kim Yuna didn’t have this technique when she was active. As mentioned above, Kaori Amai has navigated. How did you feel about it? Quote / Reference: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/fdab97c4b57e77c91333ee4ae78e3a5beb537bcd/comments https://www.sankei.com/article/20170206-5DMQDCYWGJOPXJIKA24MA7L2EY/ http://iluvsk8.blog.fc2.com -entry-235.html https://www.asagei.com/excerpt/19508 ■ Music used: “Amacha Music Studio” https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/ “Music Note” http: // www.music-note.jp/bgm/ ■ I’m Kaori Amai. 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