Live broadcast of the talk show held at Shibuya Hikarie! This program will be a limited broadcast from the middle. I hope you can see the continuation from the link below! Click here for details → ▼ Overview At “Shibuya Second Stage”, PLANETS and Tokyu Corporation jointly hold various talk shows on the theme of transmitting a new culture from Shibuya. increase. With a unique perspective of PLANETS that is not swept away by the air of the timeline of the world and SNS, the annual “PLANETS year-end party” that summarizes the year beyond the boundaries of society, culture and politics will be held for the first time in about two years. did! In 2021, historic changes continued at home and abroad, such as the Tokyo Olympics, the situation in Afghanistan, the House of Representatives election and the establishment of the Kishida administration, under the corona wreck since last year. Looking back on the important news of this year, where major cultural milestones such as the completion of “Evangelion” and “Attack on Titan” were conspicuous, we will reconsider how our lives will change in the future. It’s one day. The theme of Part 3 is “Corona Olympics, Kishida Administration-What was 2021?” We are looking forward to your participation while continuing to take measures against infectious diseases. ▼ Cast Tsunehiro Uno (Critique / Editor-in-Chief of PLANETS) Shiori Yamao (Lawyer / Representative Director of International Humanitarian Platform) Nana Takamatsu (Current Affairs YouTuber) Yusuke Narita (Representative of Semi-Mature Virtual Co., Ltd. during the day, Assistant Professor at Yale University at night) ) Hiroaki Miyata (Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Keio University) Moderator: Jun Hori (Journalist, presided over by NPO “8bitNews”) ▼ Date and time December 19, 2021 (Sun) 18: 00 ~ Hashtag is #PLANETS year-end party # shibuya2nd ▼ Profile Shiori Yamao (Lawyer, International Humanitarian Platform Representative Director) Born in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, and raised in Musashino City. Play the first “Annie” in 6th grade and 1st grade. Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. Former prosecutor. He was elected for the first time in the 2009 general election and served as a member of the House of Representatives for the third term and 10 years. Work on solving the problem of waiting-list children, succession to the throne, and the problem of extending the retirement age of the public prosecutor’s office. Actively made remarks at the Constitutional Review Board, such as showing the arrangement of issues for constitutional amendment (published “Constitutional Amendment” (Chikuma Shinsho) in 2018). Focusing on China policy and humanitarian (human rights) diplomacy triggered by the protests in Hong Kong in 2019. As the first co-chairman, he contributed to the establishment of the Parliamentary Alliance (JPAC) on China Policy and the Parliamentary Alliance, which considers human rights diplomacy as a bipartisan. Co-Chair of IPAC (Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China). In November 2021, he launched the International Humanitarian Platform and became the representative director. Nana Takamatsu (Current Affairs YouTuber) Born in 1993. As a current affairs YouTuber, he interviews mainly politics and educational sites and conveys social issues to young people in an easy-to-understand manner. Established Shokasonjuku Academy Co., Ltd. with the right to vote at the age of 18, and delivered on-site lessons such as “Laughing! Political Education Show” and “Laughing and Learning SDGs” to schools, companies, and local governments nationwide. His books include “Political Picture Book” (Koubundou Publishers) and “SDGs from the age of 13 learning with comedians” (Kumon Publishing). When he was a college student, he made his debut as a young lady entertainer from Ferris Girls’ Academy, appeared in “Enta no kamisama”, “Ame Talk!”, “pacific saury Goten”, etc., and won the Nippon TV “Warachan!”. In addition, he will appear on “Live TV until morning” and “NHK Special” to appeal to young people to raise their political awareness. Yusuke Narita (Representative of Semi-Mature Virtual Co., Ltd. in the daytime, Assistant Professor of Yale University in the evening) Specializes in the development of “methods for designing decision-making algorithms in a data-driven manner” and application to a wide range of social issues from machine learning business to educational policy. Presented research in various academic journals and academic societies, and collaborated with CyberAgent, ZOZO, Gakken, etc. Received Prime Minister’s Award, MIT Technology Review Innovators under 35, etc. He is also a columnist for Bungakukai, Forbes, Kyodo News, and Yahoo News, and a commentator for TV Asahi and Hodo Station. He has also served as a visiting researcher at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, a specially appointed associate professor at Hitotsubashi University, and a visiting assistant professor at Stanford University. After graduating from the University of Tokyo, obtained a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Related content includes “Do you really need elections and politicians?” (Asahi Shimbun GLOBE), “Is democracy cursed? Corona’s missteps ask” (Asahi Shimbun). Hiroaki Miyata (Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Keio University) Born in 1978. Completed the master’s program at the Department of Health Sciences and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo in 2003. Doctor of Health Science in the same field (thesis). After working as an assistant at Waseda University Faculty of Human Sciences and an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, in April 2009, he was an associate professor at the Department of Medical Quality Evaluation, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo. (Part-time job from May 2015), Professor of Medical Policy and Management, Keio University School of Medicine from May 2015, Invited Professor of Osaka University School of Medicine from December 2020. Specializes in data science, scientific methodologies, and value co-creation. We will take on the challenge of social change by making full use of science such as data science, and conduct research activities centered on contributions to improve reality. In collaboration with the specialist system, we will work on various practices including non-medical fields such as the National Clinical Database in which 5000 hospitals participate, LINE and the new corona national survey of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and at the same time, we will collaborate with Keidanren and the World Economic Forum to create a new society. Draw a vision. Tsunehiro Uno (critic, editor-in-chief of PLANETS) Born in 1978 in Aomori prefecture. While working as a critic, he published the cultural critic magazine “PLANETS”. His major books include “Imaginary Power of the Zero Age” (Hayakawa Publishing), “The Age of Little People” (Gentosha), “The Issues of Japanese Culture” (Chikuma Shobo), “Maternal Distopia” (Shueisha) and many others. Moderator: Jun Hori (journalist, presided over by NPO “8bit News”) Born July 9, 1977. Born in Hyogo prefecture. After graduating from Rikkyo University Faculty of Letters, Department of German Literature, joined NHK in 2001. As an announcer, he is in charge of news programs such as “News Watch 9” reporter and “Biz Spo” caster. In 2013, he left NHK and became the representative of the NPO “8bit News”. Currently, as a journalist and newscaster, he is active in a wide range of fields such as original coverage, news and information programs, and writing. Visiting professor at Shukutoku University Faculty of Humanities. ..

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