On the 15th, China and Russia held an online summit meeting. While the two countries are strengthening their ties, the United States is also becoming more divided, with the “Democracy Summit” being held. An online summit meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin on the 15th. So President Putin announced that he would attend the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics next year. Behind the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries … President Biden, USA: “Let’s share ideas, learn from each other, and express our concrete determination on how to strengthen democracy and push back authoritarianism.” The “Democracy Summit” hosted by President Biden of the United States It is believed that there is. Approximately 110 countries and regions, including Japan, European countries and Taiwan, were invited and held online with the aim of protecting democracy from authoritarianism such as China and Russia. Prime Minister Kishida: “Volunteer nations must work together in one voice to deal with actions that undermine the basic values ​​we value, such as freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.” Also complained that he would raise his voice for serious human rights violations. On the other hand, China and Russia, which were not invited as authoritarian countries, oppose. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China: “Idealized and did anti-democratic things in the name of democracy.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China pointed out that the summit fueled division and opposition. “Democracy” and “authoritarianism”. In fact, there is also a survey result that more than half of the world’s countries are authoritarian politics. Japan is faced with a difficult response amid the conflict between the United States and China. One of them is the “Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics,” in which the United States announced a diplomatic boycott. Prime Minister Kishida: “(Q. What about diplomatic boycotts?) I would like to make my own judgment from the perspective of national interests.” Prime Minister Kishida said to China, where ministers attended the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. Do you decide to take it? Furthermore, will China be allowed to participate as the presidency of the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)? Is the United States or China the really beneficial partner in the two conflicting axes of democracy and authoritarianism? How should Japan respond?
[テレ朝news] https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp .

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