A summer night in the Showa era when professional baseball was the king of entertainment. In 1961, in the midst of rapid economic growth, footsteps of the Tokyo Olympics were beginning to be heard. Superstars of professional baseball who are now called legends performed together. In the Pacific League, Nishitetsu’s Inao, Toyoda, Nakanishi, Nankai’s Nomura, Daiei’s Enomoto, Yamauchi, Toei’s Harimoto, and others. In the Central League, Giants’ Nagashima, Oh, Kokutetsu’s Kaneda, Hanshin’s Yoshida, Taiyo’s Kondo Kazuhiko, and others fought a heated battle under the cocktail lights of Chunichi Stadium. If you want to see more, you can enjoy our sports library, including original versions, from 390 yen per month at our company, Premium Movie Lab.

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