Attention is focused on the members of the men’s soccer team for the Paris Olympics, which will be announced on July 3rd. Particular interest is focused on which players will be selected for the over-age slots. Itakura Ko, Endo Wataru, Taniguchi Shogo, and Morita Hidemasa are among the final candidates, and while it is expected that the team will be strengthened, there is also a risk that younger players will have fewer opportunities to play. We will explain the details in the video, so please take a look. #Soccer #ParisOlympics #JapanNationalTeam #OverAge #ItakuraKou #EndoWataru #TaniguchiShogo #MoritaHidemasa #JapanNationalSoccerTeam #SoccerFans #SoccerNews #Sports #SportsNews #TokyoOlympics #WorldCup #JapanSoccer

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