Galatasaray beat Beşiktaş, which it hosted in the derby match of the 31st week of the Spor Toto Super League İlhan Cavcav Season, 2-0 with the goals of Fernando and Rodrigues, and increased its points to 66, maintaining its leadership with 3 weeks left before the end of the league. Galatasaray came very close to scoring in the first minute of the match. Garry Rodrigues, who dribbled past his opponents from the left wing and entered the penalty area, faced the goalkeeper. But Fabri prevented the position by leaving his goal. Beşiktaş’s first dangerous attack was in the 14th minute. Negredo’s header went out after Quaresma’s cross from the right. The black-whites came close to scoring in the 20th minute, thanks to a cross-kick by the Spanish striker. After this position, Galatasaray attacked the opponent’s goal more effectively and found the goal it was looking for in the 23rd minute. Rodrigues moved from the left with the pass of Gomis, who took down the long ball sent by Muslera. While Nagatomo turned Rodrigues’ through ball in, Fernando completed the ball and made the score 1-0. After the goal, Beşiktaş checked our goal twice with Quaresma in the 25th and 29th minutes, while Galatasaray could not take advantage of another goal opportunity in the 36th minute. As a result of Beşiktaş’s mistake in defense, Gomis was inserted into the penalty area from the right side, and Fabri took the shot from a narrow angle, and the first half ended with Galatasaray leading 1-0. At the beginning of the second half, Beşiktaş looked for the goal with Tolgay in the 46th minute, and Muslera showed a great reflex as they approached the goal with Quaresma in the 50th minute. In the 54th minute, Babel, who faced Muslera due to Maicon’s mistake, could not take advantage of the position. In the minutes when Beşiktaş was under pressure, Galatasaray could not take advantage of a clear position with the counterattack in the 61st minute. The defense intervened and prevented Feghouli, who found the ball in front of him as Garry Rodrigues’ shot, coming out quickly from the left wing, returned from Fabri. In the 64th minute, Gomis took action with the long pass thrown behind the Beşiktaş defense. When he was knocked down by Tosic while he was about to kick the ball, the referee decided to award a penalty and sent Tosic out of the game with a red card. However, Gomis missed the penalty kick. The missed penalty did not dampen Galatasaray’s morale. The goal that doubled the difference came in the 70th minute. Garry Rodrigues, who received the ball from Linnes’ wonderful through pass from the right wing, made the score 2-0 with a beautiful shot from the left diagonal. After the score was 2-0, our team attacked for the 3rd goal with the enthusiasm of the Big Galatasaray Fans. In the 80th minute, Beşiktaş lost the ball and Linnes-Sinan duo entered the penalty area with nice passes, but the last pass was fast. In the 85th minute, Fabri cleared Gomis’ shot from outside the penalty area at the last minute. Galatasaray, which was in control of the game in the remaining minutes, won the derby 2-0 and increased its points to 66 in the league with 3 weeks left before the end and continued its leadership. STAT: Ali Sami Yen Sports Complex Türk Telekom Stadium REFEREES: Fırat Aydınus, Serkan Ok, Aleks Taşçıoğlu, Alper Ulusoy GALATASARAY: Muslera, Mariano (Linnes 22), Maicon, Denayer, Nagatomo, Donk, Fernando, Feghouli (Sinan 78), Belhanda (Selçuk), Rodrigues, Gomis BEŞİKTAŞ: Fabri, Gökhan, Pepe (Vida 61), Tosic, Adriano, Tolgay (Oğuzhan 81), Medel, Quaresma, Talisca, Babel, Negredo (Lens 35) GOALS: Fernando 23, Rodrigues 70 YELLOW CARD: Belhanda, Fernando/ Adriano, Talisca RED CARD: Tosic 65

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