This time, our guest is soccer writer Yoshiyuki Kawaji, who has just covered Urawa Reds’ practice, and says, “The latest status of Solbakken, Rinsen, Iwao, Hiroki Sakai, Hiroaki Abe, Okubo, Koizumi, and Sekine.And those two main players… This is a video where he talks about “…”. ★I would be happy if you could subscribe to the channel!!★ ○ Cast: Yoshiyuki Kawaji ・Kaname@Uragi Admin ○Related links ・“Let’s talk about Urawa” (Soccer Compass) ・Let’s talk about Urawa All-time Red https: // ・Soccer’s compass Yoshiyuki Kawaji Profile Continuing to watch trends in soccer from a global perspective with a focus on play analysis . He was involved in the launch of “El Golasso” and was in charge of representing Japan. His books include “The Switch of the Match” (Byakuya Shobo), “His Theory of Data Evolution That Will Change the Way You Look at Soccer 180 Degrees” (Sol Media), and “If You Know the Commentator’s Words, You Can Understand the Way He Views Soccer” ( Naigai Publishing) etc. —– ■“Uragi” A portal site where supporters who love Urawa Reds can discuss with each other and catch up on Urawa Reds information ■UG Twitter ■Kaname@uragi admin’s Twitter (@kaname_uragi) ■Illustration used: “Pochaneko stamp” — — #Urawa Reds #Scholz #Linsen #Solbakken #Hiroki Sakai #Takahiro Sekine #Hiroaki Abe #Ken Iwao #Tomoaki Okubo #Kaho Koizumi

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