The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games were the dream I had since August 23, 2016, exactly 5 years ago (see the upload date of the video 😂). How to apply to volunteer for the Olympics? How is the selection process? Answers to these questions and others you will find in this video. Find me on instagram for more adventures in Japan 📸 IG: @javokun Special mention: To my cousin Adriana for having supported me throughout the process to volunteer for these unforgettable Olympics. Thanks Ady, when I return to Mexico I will bring you a mini detail! ————————————————– INTRO SONG: Exil – Hiboky (awesome track bro 🔥) Go to the Hiboky channel for epic music like the one you heard at the beginning of the video ——— —————————————– FAQs (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS): Q: What are the requirements to apply to be a volunteer at the Olympic Games? A: In this edition, the only requirements were to be 18 years old at the time of starting the Olympic Games and to have a passport to travel to Japan. Due to the global situation in which we live since 2020, many volunteers who lived outside of Japan were cut back as Japan closed its doors mainly to tourists. However, I understand that there were a few volunteers who were able to travel to come to support Tokyo 2020. Q: What does the volunteer receive for their work? A: THE EXPERIENCE. . . But also: 1. An originally designed volunteer uniform set from the Olympic and Paralympic Games (T-shirt, jacket, pants, hat, shoes, bag and socks). 2. Food and drinks during the volunteer activity. 3. Specific insurance for volunteering activity. 4. Travel expenses from place of residence or accommodation to headquarters (1,000 yen / day) More info at: Q: Do you get paid the plane and hotel / department where you stay? A: No. All transportation and lodging expenses are covered by the volunteer himself. If I had come from Mexico to volunteer from Japan, I would have had to pay for my plane flight and lodging. Q: Where can I get the volunteer uniform? A: The uniform is exclusive to volunteers and is not for sale anywhere (it is supposed to be illegal to sell it). HOWEVER, there is very similar and very cool sports merchandise on the internet that you may surely like. You can find it here: Q: Is it worth volunteering at the Olympics? SO . . IT IS ONCE IN A LIFETIME, AND THE EXPERIENCE THAT YOU TAKE TO YOUR HEART IS PRICELESS. .

JP2021.COM - Tokyo Olympics 2020.