The champions, the champions 🌟 That’s it, it’s the last episode of Rencontre en Terre de Jeux 2024… A bit of nostalgia in writing these few words but a pride in finishing where we started, 13 episodes earlier, at Aubervilliers in 93. In this episode, we go to the Paris 2024 Forum which has taken on the appearance of Club 2024, future celebration areas during the Games. We see Tony Estanguet again, the Paris 2024 teams, the entire Terre de Jeux 2024 team but above all all the referents who welcomed us throughout France during the previous 12 episodes. We conclude the series in style and turn to the Olympic Torch Relay and the Games which are quickly approaching. It was an honor for us to offer you these 13 episodes of Meeting in Land of Games 2024, hoping that you like the last one. Enjoy watching Champ’s!

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